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October 19: Together in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Every year on October 19th, we observe International Day Against Breast Cancer, a key date to raise awareness about this disease and show support to those battling it. We recognize the importance of providing an inclusive and supportive work environment that helps individuals in their fight against breast cancer. We also know that companies can make a significant difference in their employees' lives through workplace support and awareness initiatives. That’s why we dedicate this post to commemorate this day:

Fighting Breast Cancer


Breast cancer is the most frequent cause of cancer death in women in both developing (268,000 deaths) and developed regions.1 Its diagnosis and treatment can significantly affect the lives of those who suffer from it.

Awareness and prevention of breast cancer are crucial to reducing its incidence and improving survival rates. Below are key strategies and recommendations for promoting early detection and risk reduction.

The Importance of Awareness

Raising awareness about breast cancer helps people understand the disease, its risk factors, and the importance of early detection. Education can lead to more preventive screenings and self-exams, allowing individuals to detect changes in their breasts early on.

Prevention Strategies

1. Healthy Lifestyle

 - Diet: Following a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, and healthy fats like olive oil can lower the risk of breast cancer. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to be beneficial in this regard.

 - Regular Exercise: Staying active helps maintain a healthy weight, which is crucial in breast cancer prevention. It’s recommended to get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week.

 - Limit Alcohol: Reducing alcohol consumption to no more than one drink per day can help lower the risk.

2. Early Detection

 - Self-Exams: Performing monthly breast self-exams helps women become familiar with the normal texture and shape of their breasts, making it easier to identify any changes.

 - Mammograms: Mammograms are essential for detecting breast cancer in its early stages. It’s recommended that women start getting annual mammograms at age 40, or earlier if they have a family history.

3. Regular Medical Visits

 - Scheduling annual gynecological exams is crucial for monitoring breast health and discussing any concerns with a medical professional.

Awareness and prevention of breast cancer are collective efforts that require ongoing education and lifestyle changes. Adopting healthy habits, undergoing regular checkups, and staying vigilant for bodily changes are vital steps in fighting this disease. Companies can also play a significant role by promoting health programs that encourage these practices among their employees.

Awareness and Support in the Workplace

Breast cancer not only affects individuals physically but also emotionally and mentally. In the workplace, it's essential to create a space where those undergoing treatment or recovery feel understood and supported. As part of this effort, companies can implement policies and actions that promote the well-being of their employees. If you’re an employer, here are some actions you can take every October 19th to raise awareness:

Actions That Make a Difference:

1. Flexible Hours: Offering flexible hours or the option to work from home can be a huge relief for those undergoing treatment. Flexibility allows them to adjust their work schedule around medical appointments and rest, without losing their sense of productivity.

2. Awareness Talks: Hosting talks about breast cancer in the office is an excellent way to promote awareness. These events can help educate employees on the importance of early detection and foster a culture of mutual support.

3. Offering Emotional Resources and Support: Implementing wellness programs that provide access to counseling or support groups for employees going through cancer or for those with loved ones facing the disease.

The Importance of Corporate Initiatives in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Businesses play a fundamental role in raising awareness and supporting the fight against breast cancer. Through corporate initiatives, companies can positively impact both inside and outside the organization. Here are some ways your business can contribute:

1. Supporting Cancer Organizations:

Companies can also provide financial support to non-profits dedicated to breast cancer research or patient assistance. Partnering with these organizations shows your commitment to the cause and helps advance treatments and prevention efforts.

2. Offering Preventive Screenings to Employees: 

Including preventive medical checkups as part of employee benefits is an excellent way to promote health in the workplace. Many companies offer health days where specialists visit the office to perform mammograms or other important exams for early breast cancer detection.



International Day Against Breast Cancer is an opportunity for companies to become agents of change in their employees' lives. By creating a flexible work environment, educating employees, and participating in corporate awareness initiatives, organizations can actively support those facing this disease. At Gebesa, we are committed to the well-being of our employees and believe that a supportive and conscious workplace is key to helping fight breast cancer from all angles. We encourage everyone to prioritize self-exams and, if you are an employer, to consider these measures.